Thick Leather Drum Bag Building Workshop 2/9/2025

Hides: Elk, Bison, Moose.

Available in Black, Cream, Cedarwood or Gold color.

The biggest issue for any natural hide hand drum is humidity. In dry weather the hide gets  very dry, tightens up and the tone gets higher, and in humid or wet environments, hide absorbs moisture, gets larger and the tone goes down. The extremes are frustrating for drum carriers…."My drum is too high in tone in winter when we are heating our houses, or goes flat in high humidity." Leather is an amazing barrier that blocks the movement of most humidity. A drum that lives inside a bag will have less extremes of tone, more even. On a wet rainy night, you can pull your drum out of a leather bag and boom, it sounds perfect!! The same goes with dry weather….a leather bag will protect a drum from getting tiny or worse yet cracking.
